How To Write Educational Qualification In Resume With Examples

Listing educational qualifications in your resume may seem like a cake walk for a few but it is considered as quite a tricky part for many others. While listing the educational degrees is a must, it is essential to decode the proper format that one must follow while doing so. Education is an important facet of the candidate’s profile and marks the suitability of a candidate for a certain role.

Knowing how to structure your educational qualifications in your resume would make you stand out from the other applicants. Depending on the level that you are applying for, the recruiter focuses on certain parameters of the educational qualifications. To exemplify, if you are a fresher, the Bachelors and Masters degree would matter the most, however, if you are working professional then your professional degrees and certifications would matter the most.

Let us look at the tips that the candidates must follow while enlisting academic qualifications details in CV:

  • List the degrees in reverse chronological order
  • A List your most recent degree first and then go on listing the others
  • List the professional certifications along with the year in higher education section
  • Include relevant keywords related to your degrees
  • Specify your year of graduation, name of university/school, and GPA
  • In case you have graduated from a reputed university, you can put that first so that it attracts the attention of recruiter

Let us look at some of the examples of education details in resume

If the candidate has passed High School –

Class XII with 91%

XYZ High School, New Delhi


Courses: Maths, Physics, Chemistry, English, EVS, Computer Science

If the candidate is still appearing in the high school –

Class XII

XYZ High School, New Delhi


Courses:  Maths, Physics, Chemistry, English, EVS, Computer Science

If the candidate has attained a graduation degree –

B.A (English)

XYZ College, University of Delhi

Graduated in 2020 with 72%

If the candidate is pursuing graduation –

B.A (English)

XYZ College, University of Delhi

2020- Present

If the applicant has a postgraduate degree –

MBA in Business Studies

IIM Bangalore

Graduated in 2021 with 75%

If you are a student or a recent graduate with little work experience, you can prioritize your education over your employment background. Your educational background should follow after your employment history if you have more than a year of professional experience. Since the resume creates the first impression of your profile on the recruiters, it becomes essential key skill to be conscious of how you present yourself in order to stand out from the other candidates.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What if Your Degree Is Not Related to Your Job?

If the job profile that you are applying for is directly not related to your degree of education, focus more on the additional certifications or experience that you have in the area applying for. If you are switching to a different sector, focus more on key skills that are pertinent to the role.

What if you have different degrees in your resume?

If your education degrees do not collate with each other, pls ensure that you focus more on interpersonal skills and adaptability to learn faster.

What is your CGPA is average but you performed well at your previous job?

If your grades are not too great, or is just below average, focus more on the skills learnt in your previous organizations. Shift the focus of the recruiter from your low grades to ability to do a job more efficiently and effectively.

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