5 Cool Jobs To Do After B.Tech

Confused what to do after B.tech??  Don’t worry haven’t you heard?

In India, after 12th, first you  become Engineer then you become what you want to become.

I have done a little bit of research to find out what you can do after your B.tech, which might suit your personality and which you would actually love to enjoy. All you have to do to get a training if required in the field.

5 cool jobs to do after B.Tech
5 cool jobs to do after B.Tech


5 cool jobs to do after B.Tech

1.  Content Writer/ Blog writing:

If you love writing and always wanted to become a writer. Then why not become a content writer. There are so many companies looking for content writers and the pay is awesome.. Even there are so many people who do content writing as a freelancer. So If writing is your love go for content writing.

2. SEO( Search Engine Optimization)  And social media:

If you like marketing and you want to do a little bit of technical work. SEO is your field, where you will be bringing your employer’s website a good traffic by using so many tactics. There is so much to learn in this field. I am sure you will love being SEO  and see the results yourself of your methods.

3.Design and animation:

If you have creative mind and you know about designing. This is the field where you can make your life and fortune. There are so many companies looking for Graphic Designer, where you can apply to.

4. Trainer/ Teacher:

If you are a person who likes to make change in the world and want to spread you knowledge to others . This is your field where you can feel the work satisfaction. So what are waiting for go and make the world a better place of learning.

5. Chef/Cook:

If kitchen is your fort and you are king of this. Then chef is your way to make money. There are so many restaurant and hotels which pay a load of money to their chefs. All you need is a training and you are good to go to become chef.

All the best for your career. Hope I could help!!

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One thought on “5 Cool Jobs To Do After B.Tech

  • June 26, 2016 at 5:11 am

    Thanks for sharing such informative information about do jobs after B.tech. I really like your cool mode of explaining in this article.


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