Everything You Need to Know About Tech Skills in India by 2021 and 2022

Introduction: Jobs in the Indian Tech Industry Are Booming, But Not Everyone is Prepared for What’s Coming in the Future

Technology is not only changing the way we work but it is also changing the job market. It was just a few years ago when we were grappling with unemployment and underpaid service sector jobs. Today, our software developers are getting paid handsomely to write code for companies like Google and Amazon whereas our content creators are making great salaries doing freelance copywriting. As technology continues to grow, these trends will continue to spread across various industries. As a result of this, there will be a lot more opportunities for people with varied skillsets to find employment.

The IT industry has been growing exponentially and has become a prominent force across India. The future looks promising with the booming job market and new innovations coming up every day. However, not everyone is prepared for what’s coming in this rapidly changing world.

According to data from 2018, there were more than 3 million jobs in India’s technology sector. This number is expected to grow by another 9 million by 2022 – there is no doubt that this industry has a lot of potential.

What are the Top Tech Skills in demand in India 2021 and 2022

This will give you a brief overview on the top computer science skills that will be in demand in India by 2021 and 2022.

  • Computer programming: This is perhaps one of the most crucial skills to learn as it helps you create software and apps. There are two popular coding languages – Python and Java. Python is used more in data analysis and scientific research while Java is mostly used for creating games, web applications, and backend operations.
  • Data analytics: Data analytics is about extracting insights from data sets with quantitative measures such as frequency, percentage, or standard deviation. It also includes visualizing data using graphs, charts, and maps for making new discoveries which leads to innovations.
  • Machine learning: Machine learning is a subfield of artificial intelligence that uses statistical methods combined with computational algorithms to enable computers too build algorithms that can automatically learn from data. The algorithms are able to learn tasks without being explicitly programmed, in the same way that a child learns language naturally through hearing, reading, and speaking.

Computer science is expected to see a 12% year-on-year growth with a demand of about 173,000 job openings. Programming languages like Python and JavaScript are in great demand for data analysts and web developers.

Computer engineers will be among the most in-demand job roles with a whopping 40% growth rate in the next few years. Software engineers will also be highly sought after with an 18% year-over-year growth projected for software engineer positions throughout India over the next few years.

Large companies such as Apple, Google, Amazon and Facebook follow similar trends when they hire computer scientists, developers and software engineers from across the world. 

Top Technology Skills and Training Needs for 2021 and 2022

Using current and upcoming technology, we can create a better future. Technology is constantly evolving and with the increased demand for tech skills in the workplace, companies are constantly hiring specialists who can help them to master new technologies.

Nowadays, it is important to be able to use technology in your daily life. If you want to be competitive and stay up-to-date with what’s happening in the tech world, you need to learn how to code or program. This is because coding has become a requirement for jobs such as data analyst, software engineer, software developer and many more…

The top skills needed for 2021 and 2022 are: 

  • Computer science (software engineering)

The science of programming has been in the spotlight for decades, but it’s recently seen a surge in interest due to advances in technology. It’s becoming clear that advancements in computer engineering are not only improving the efficiency of software, but also rendering it more accessible to everyone.

  • Data analysis (data analyst)

Data analysts perform analyses on large data sets to uncover insights and patterns.

A data analyst is an individual who uses statistical methods, tools, and techniques to analyze data. They usually work in corporations, government agencies, non-profit organizations, healthcare institutions, research institutions and educational organizations.

Data analysts are mainly equipped with basic statistics skills such as calculating standard deviation and mean. They also typically possess the ability to use databases and spreadsheets for their tasks.

  • Programming (software engineer) 

Software engineers are the backbone of the technology industry and they write and develop computer programs for a variety of purposes.

As technology evolves, software engineers find themselves at the forefront of innovation. They design and implement new technologies and algorithms to solve complex problems – problems that we face every day.

Programming is an interesting career that provides opportunities for creativity, problem solving, and innovation.

  • Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is a field that has the potential to change the way we live. It goes beyond just computers. It can be used in marketing, healthcare, law enforcement, etc.

Artificial intelligence has become more mainstream in recent years with advancements in AI technology. This means that it is getting easier for people to wrap their heads around the idea of AI and its applications in their lives.

AI technology is growing rapidly with companies adopting it for different purposes such as marketing, law enforcement, healthcare etc.

  • Cloud computing

Cloud computing is a technology in which services or applications are delivered via the internet. Cloud computing provides organizations with greater flexibility in their IT infrastructure, enables them to scale up and down quickly without the need for large capital investment, and gives them access to resources from any location.

Cloud computing is an ideal solution for small businesses with limited resources who do not want to invest in infrastructure. It helps them grow rapidly by providing more resources on demand. In addition, it also helps businesses save money on administrative costs because they don’t have to keep employees away from their desktops or servers all day long.

  • Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has been a major topic for many years now. With the use of technology, organizations are facing more and more cyber attacks. As a result, they need to be prepared to fight back against attacks through prevention and detection measures.

Cybersecurity has become a critical issue since the dawn of the digital age. As technology advances, so does cyber threats, and it has become harder to protect against them. It is not enough for companies to simply have their data centers in secure locations. They must also take other precautions like implementing cybersecurity measures in their products and services.

  • UX design

UX design is the process of designing the human-computer interface. It includes the design of computer software (such as websites, applications, and digital systems) with a user interface (UI) in mind.

The main goal of UX is to provide a good user experience so that users will be able to quickly and easily accomplish their goals while using your product or service.

It has become crucial for companies to use UX design when creating digital products because it helps them appeal to modern customers who are accustomed to living in an always-on world.

Conclusion- The Future of Indian Tech Industry is Bright

The future of Indian tech industry is bright, but it will require a lot of effort to get there.

The Indian tech industry has come out of its shell in the last few years and it has started playing an important role in shaping the future of India. It is attracting the attention of many international players and its market value increased by over 600% since 2014.

The Indian tech industry is on the verge of taking a dramatic shift in the coming years. There are many factors that are driving this shift but one thing is for sure, it will have a big impact on the world.

During this shift, it’s imperative that businesses take their time to observe and understand the new digital landscape. 

It has created a revolution in various sectors such as banking, healthcare, transportation and business processes. India’s growing economy will create demand for more and more AI-based solutions in coming years.

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