If you opened this article and you’re looking for a job, we’re sure that you must be frustrated and we’re here to help you. We want you to know that it’s completely okay to get rejected in interviews you go for. It’s normal.

But what matters the most is your mindset after you fail to get selected for your dream company. You can either take it in a positive way or in a negative way and that’s completely your choice. But we at freshersworld want you to stay happy and positive, at the end of the day. 

Here is the process you must go through while you’re applying for jobs in India :

FIND YOUR PASSION:  You should take some time off to understand what you are good at. Research on which job role would suit you the most and work towards it. You can also learn courses to find out your passion. At the end of the day, figuring out what you love to do is one of the main steps to finding your dream job. 

MAKE A PROFESSIONAL RESUME: It’s your resume that gives the first impression for potential employers to choose you for your dream job. Find a professional service that caters to your resume needs and let them help you make an appealing resume that is tailor-made for you.

REGISTER ON JOB PORTALS: Search the internet for job portals such as Freshersworld because you can directly filter the jobs you’re looking for according to the job role, location, etc. In this way, you’re ready to get your next interview scheduled without a problem once you start applying!

RESEARCH ON BASIC INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: There are a particular set of questions that most recruiters ask you in an interview by default. Find the questions and practice the answers in front of the mirror. In that way, you can gain your confidence as well and you would be prepared for the next possible interview.

LEARN FROM YOUR PREVIOUS INTERVIEWS: Before you leave the interview room, most recruiters may ask “ Is there anything else that you would like to know?” This is the best time to ask for your feedback. Most recruiters give an honest opinion about you and it’s always healthy to ask about your feedback so then it will be easy for you to evaluate yourself and become better for the next interview.

A THANK-YOU MAILER: After your interview, you can send them a mail letting them know that you appreciate the time they took for interviewing you and you’re looking forward to working hard if you were to get hired. This is a very nice gesture and most recruiters appreciate such mailers.

Following these steps will surely land you the job that you were always striving for and you know it; ho-ho, it’s time to be joyful because you’re about to find your dream job in less than a week!

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3 thoughts on “HOW TO FIND YOUR DREAM JOB IN 2019

  • October 21, 2019 at 8:35 am

    This is so helpful..

  • November 5, 2019 at 6:56 am

    Thanks for sharing this information


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