What to do after mechanical engineering?

It is very common for every B.Tech graduate to fumble over the next step in career after graduation but not for the one who has Mechanical Degree. One fascinating feature of mechanical engineering is its broad and diverse application base, which is why mechanical engineers have always been in demand.

We have numerous options to choose from after B.Tech,

Here few of the best options are discussed to guide your career on the right path.

Higher Studies:

• After completion of graduation, You can opt for a master’s degree in India. By cracking GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) you can go for M.TECH/M.E in the most reputed engineering colleges in India like IITs.

• Here you can choose some subjects for specialization.

a) Automobile Engineering b) Industrial Engineering c) Thermal Engineering d) Product Design and Development e) Computer Integrated Manufacturing f) Manufacturing Engineering g) Material Technology h) Engineering Design i) Computer-Aided Design & Manufacturing j) Energy Engineering & Management k) Mechatronics Engineering etc.

• If you wish to opt for a management stream after studies, then you can go for an MBA (but better to work for a while in the industry as most of the Business schools consider work experience).

• If you would like to pursue a master’s in foreign(MS) then you need to appear for GRE (Graduate Record Examination). The best places to apply are in the USA, China, Germany, Japan, and the UK.

• Moreover if you are interested in designing side, you can learn courses like CAD/CAM, Hyper Mesh, Anysys, ProE, etc.Nowadays most of the companies also offer internships which helps in gaining Industrial knowledge.

• To explore further and research, Ph.D. courses can be chosen. It is better to choose a Ph.D. in a now-a-day world where research is top prioritized. Because only a few people from engineering backgrounds have PhDs these days. In this context, it is best to choose Ph.D. which paves the way too dignified careers.

Job options:

Mechanical engineering offers a wide bouquet of job options to students who are looking for a stable and stimulating career. In the government sector, mechanical engineers can provide their knowledge to various government-run projects in the role of technical experts and consultants. They can also work in private engineering companies that provide technical consultancy to both government and corporate firms. Here are some reputed firms which require mechanical engineers:

a. ONGC (Oil & Natural Gas Corporation) b. DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organization) c. SAIL (Steel Authority of India) d. NTPC (National Thermal Power Corporation) e. VSSC (Vikram Sarabhai Space Center) f. ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) g. IOC (Indian Oil Corporation) h. Tata motors i. Bajaj j. Hero k. Ford l. Honda m. BHEL n. COAL INDIA o. ECIL p. ARMY q. NAVY r. Central mechanical engineering research institute s. Sun grace t. Design tech system Ltd. Etc.

• One can also find plenty of job opportunities in Abroad based on his/her expertise and skills.

• Mechanical engineers not only design new mechanical systems but are also responsible for testing, maintaining, and manufacturing them. So, we also have multiple job opportunities in the aforementioned areas.

• Nowadays the scope of mechanical engineering is expanding beyond its traditional boundaries. Mechanical engineers are focusing their attention on new areas of research such as nanotechnology, development of composite materials, biomedical applications, environmental conservation, etc.

Pay/Salary :

The average monthly salary of mechanical engineers who are new to this profession is approximately in the range between Rs.10k and Rs.25k. Highly skilled mechanical engineers can easily get as high as Rs 40-45 lacs per annum

Are you looking for any mechanical engineering jobs in India do register today at www.freshersworld.com

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