The Need for Research Eco-System

Research eco-system is something which is very scarce in India. In the name of research, we have a good number of PhD aspirants; however the research done is of paper-bag value, if not anything else. Off late, we have seen a huge surge in PhD enrolments due to state policies of mandatory PhD to be able to teach in a University. This seems to be the same Indian craze which has de-valued Engineering, MBA & CA courses.

It’s high time that a proper research eco-system is built, wherein a meeting point of industry and academia is established and the problem statements are thoroughly researched and a solution is arrived at. Apart from one-off cases, there is hardly a visible connection here.

It is desirable that both industry and academia participate actively in research process and leverage from each other’s strengths to produce some practical and real results. When this happens, it’s absolutely enriching to students & both the research participants.

For this to be realized, the assessments for research intake in academia must be designed in such a way that they gauge their research bent of mind – their work leading to the research, strong Statement of Purpose, publications, white papers, relevant blogs/write-ups etc. And similarly, on the industry side – looking up their POCs, R&D projects, T & E methods, prototypes, etc.

Instead, the assessments are all about the core subject, theory & over MCQs – which we (as indians) have a knack to crack!

Such confluence of industry & academia shall facilitate some great inventions, discoveries, policies among others. The important stake holders – Govt, industry leaders, academia should forge a strong partnership and facilitate such knowledge exchange and build the research eco-system.

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