Freshersworld team visits Sree Vidyaniketan Engineering College, Tirupati.

On Friday, April 16, 2010, four member team from including CEO Joby Joseph, National Business Head Mathew, Sr. Sales Manager Anish and Community Manager Varinder visited Sree Vidyaniketan Engineering College, Tirupati to participate in an event organised by Campus Ambassador, Srinath Polidasu.

We started at 9AM in the morning in a Scorpio and reached there by around 2:30PM. It was a good journey on the way to Tirupati.

On the way to Tirupati

Srinath and a group of students welcomed us when we entered the college.


Srinath with the team

Srinath introduced us to the Prinicipal of the college as well as Placement officer who was unaware about purpose of our visit. However,Joby briefed him about the campus ambassador program of Freshersworld as well as company.

College building

Then we proceeded towards the auditorium where Varinder had a power point presentation on guide to content on He spoke at length on how freshers can make the best use of platform provided by, as they can create a community, blog, and start resourceful discussions on the site, thus adding value to their profile.

Varinder having presentation



After the presentation, Joby spoke about and how he started this company. Students who turned out in good number listened to Joby with rapt attention and also came up with questions, which were asnwered by Joby to their satisfaction.

Joby interacting with students
 Students coming up with innovative ideas got gifts

After the interactive session conducted by Joby, the next event was mock interview, where we interviewed students and gauged their high confidence levels. I was surprised and amazed to hear future plans of some of the students, who had a vision to change India. We couldn’t complete the mock interviews of all students due to lack of time. However, Srinath announced that the mock interviews will be finsihed on the next working day and the winners will be presented with certificates from

students participating in mock interview

It was a great event organized by Srinath and his group of students. Congratulations to you guys and keep up the good work.

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