CA Meeting – Hyderabad Update – Meeting Hemanth

I arrived in Hyderabad on the 25th and I had a meeting with Hemanth the next day. As most of the students in A.P are having exams, the CAs were not really keen for a meeting.

Me and Hemanth decided to meet at the Barista near Cyber Towers. Hemanth initially told me that he lacked initiative which is really truthful of him and something I really appreciate. After a pep talk from my side about the larger picture and the future goals we have in front of us, Hemanth was convinced that we have to take a step in this direction. Its only when you start working on something that you overcome initial difficulties and start performing.

Hemanth along with other CAs, Karthik and the rest have promised starting conducting events in A.P We need a strong base of CAs in A.P as there are a large number of students in A.P

Meeting CA Hemanth

After this meeting, I took a bus back to Bangalore.

This brings me to the end of a great trip across states where I learned about the market, interacted with some great people, made new friends and did some sightseeing too.

Thanks to for this sopportunity. Thanks to my wonderful group of CAs for their unending support and hospitality. Thanks to colleges and faculty members for all their help!

It was certainly one of the best trips of my lifetime.

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